Mon - Fri : 09:00 AM- 5:00 PM

Membership Categories

Student members-undergraduates through their affiliated student organizations. They will be entitled to all privileges of ordinary membership except that of voting or serving in any committee of the Society.

Associate members– Council has the authority to admit, on recommendation, deserving members of the public and they shall be entitled to all privileges of ordinary membership except that of voting or serving in any committee of the society.

Professional members– Graduates of History and practitioners (i.e. teachers/Lecturers at all levels of Education, Journalists, Public Servants).

Life Members– any member who pays a stipulated bulk sum to be determined by Council. This category of membership is exempted from paying the Society’s annual dues.

Fellows –These are distinguished Ordinary members of the society elevated to the status of Fellows. A prospective candidate to this status must not only have excelled in the promotion of Historical scholarship, but must have demonstrated significant interest in the affairs of the Society. Council has the authority to admit into the Fellowship of the Society, after a prospective candidate has been recommended by at least three members of council to the body, for consideration. Any member, who after having become the President of the Society, will be elevated to the status of a Fellow if not already one; at the next investiture of Fellows of the Society.  A practitioner of history; who must have been so engaged for at least 20 years and who must be an active member of the HSN. 

Institutional Members-These are corporate bodies who identify with the aims and objectives of the Society